Dark Silence Sound Design Dark Silence Festival Season For Serum

FANTASTiC | 21 July 2017 | 119 MB


Dark Silence: Festival Season For Serum' contains 64 high quality presets for Serum with macro controls assigned. Featuring 64 powerful basses, bass leads, synths, leads, pads, plucks, FX and sequences to get you making music for the big stages, right away.

Festival season is upon us and you need to be armed and ready. This is the first 'Producer Series' soundbank dedicated to Xfer Serum. This soundbank features some of the most advanced presets ever created by the label to date.

The presets in this pack go deep into the powers and synthesis of Serum. This bank is packed with all the sounds you need to get your tracks festival-ready. All presets feature a multitude of macro FX, a tonne of modulation and warping of the sound using the powerful macro system.

This soundbank for Serum is for the producer looking to elevate their game in their productions. This is the one you have been looking for to create your next festival banger.

Please Note:

The presets in this pack will only work with Serum version 1.0 and above.

Additional Free Packs Included:

? 'Dark Silence Percussion' Vol 1 + Vol 2
? 'Dark Silence Fills' Vol 1 + Vol 2
? 'Dark Silence Custom Snares' Vol 1 + Vol 2
? 'Dark Silence FX' Vol 1
? 'Dark Silence Serum Holiday' Pack
? 'Dark Silence Festival Kicks' Demo Pack

64 Serum Presets in Total:

? 4 Bass
? 10 Bass Leads
? 12 Synths
? 17 Leads
? 2 Pads
? 4 Plucks
? 8 FX
? 8 Sequences
? 200+ Bonus Samples

官网: http://bit.ly/2tN4IEp

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