DCP Productions (Keyfax Media) - Mo Skool 2 (Yamaha Motif XS-XF-Montage-MODX) X0A

X0A | AudioZ Exclusive | 72.77 MB


MO SKOOL 2 includes 128 voices, 32 new user drum kits, and 29 pattern templates with pre-sliced audio grooves that can be played at any tempo. Urban grooves and beats, sounds, and FX are included, for rap, hip-hop, r&b, techno, dance, chill-out, glitch, electronica – any style of music that calls for cutting edge rhythmic textures and sounds.

“MO SKOOL 2” is a huge step up from the original “MO SKOOL” library developed by DCP Productions for the Yamaha Motif Classic and Motif ES synthesizers. Featuring over 111 MB of new samples (the original Mo Skool included only 4 MB) , MO SKOOL 2 goes where no other sound library for the Motif synthesizers has gone before. Complete mixed and mastered audio beats are now available in VOICE mode, for “one-touch” playback. No knowledge of beat-making is required – just press a key, and a beat or groove starts.
Also featured in the library are a variety of analog and digital bass sounds, “straight off of vinyl” electric pianos, clavinets, ethnic plucked sounds, acoustic and electric guitars, strings, funky brass and flutes, hits, and construction kits created from the original audio grooves. FX sounds include robot beats and voices, male and female vocalizations, needle drops, scratches and scrapes, gunshots, explosions, breaking glass, helicopters, cell phone ringtones, orchestral samples, rewind/fast forward sounds, reverse drum loops, and more.

Xeraser's notes: XS version of the library. XF version CLAIMS to be "remastered" for the XF despite being the same size and including the same number of samples, voices, etc. As usual, sorry MOXF users :(

This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member Xeraser
Thank you for supporting AudioZ!

官网: https://shop.motifator.com/mo-skool-2-for-motif-xf.html

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