DDMF BridgeWize v1.0.9 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R

Team R2R | Nov 05 2018 | 3.2 MB


With more and more hosts going 64 bit only, a universal, cross-platform bit bridging tool is an essential part of the toolbox of every audio engineer who doesn’t want to lose all those precious (and often legendary) 32 bit plugins still waiting to be used. Enter Bridgewize: the only bit bridging application that covers both VST and AU plugins on Mac and VST plugins on Windows. It uses the same proprietary wrapping technique that has already been successfully introduced with Metaplugin3, but now in a dedicated standalone package that allows you to selectively create seamlessly bridged versions of your favourite 32 bit babies.


Plugin organizer to display all 32 bit candidates for easy and intuitive wrapping and unwrapping
Zero-latency audio transfer between the 64 bit DAW and the dedicated 32 bit bridging app
Plugin UI appearing seamlessly in the host’s window
Negligible additional CPU usage
Compatible with VST 2.4 plugins, OSX 10.6 and higher or Windows Vista and higher (untested on Windows XP)

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR WINDOWS USERS: a small number of virus scanners is falsely flagging BridgeApp.exe, an app which needs to be running in the background for Bridgewize to function, as a virus. There is absolutely no trace of a virus in that program! You can safely turn off any restrictions your virus scanner might suggest for that executable.

Another protection updates from DDMF to avoid being R2Red <3

官网: https://ddmf.eu/bridgewize/

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