Diginoiz High Heel Vocals Vol 3 AiFF WAV DVDR-DYNAMiCS

Team DYNAMiCS | Apr 2012 | 553MB


'High Heel Vocals 3: Pop & Club' is the latest in this best-selling series from Diginoiz. You'll find eight high quality vocal Construction Kits (vocal sequences and vocalizations) in the Pop and Club genres, so if you are looking for the best warm, melodic, radio-style vocals, you are in the right place!

This pack was recorded by a young and extremely talented singer, Marielle. In the package you will find 180 vocal samples with tempos and root keys included. All you need to add is your creativity to produce radio smash-hits!

'High Heel Vocals 3: Pop & Club' contains eight vocal Construction Kits, 1.5 GB of 180 multi-format material (116 to 140 BPM) in R&B and Pop styles!

Available Formats:
These loops are available in 24-Bit WAV, 24-Bit AIFF and 16-Bit WAV formats and are ready to be used in your favourite sampler or sequencer, both hardware and software, including Logic, GarageBand, Soundtrack, Digital Performer, Sony ACID, Ableton Live, Adobe Audition, Cakewalk Sonar, Pro Tools, Stylus RMX, Emagic EXS-24 and many more.

Royalty Free:
All loops and samples in this library are licensed to you Royalty-Free so you can use them in your commercial compositions with no extra costs.

官网: http://www.producerloops.com/Download-Diginoiz-High-Heel-Vocals-3-Pop-Club.html

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