Diginoiz Orchestral One Shots 3 WAV-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | 19/November/2020 | 193MB


Be creative! Orchestral One Shots 3, one of our best-sellers is ready to help you a little bit in your creative process. If you are not looking loops, because you want to make your beats from scratch and base only on your own ideas this product is just the thing you are looking for! This time we’ve provided you with sounds - one shots that can be easily used to create your own melodies.

342 Orchestral one shots. 60 main instruments, a few notes or chords played using each one. Ideal for all kind of Urban genres - from Hip-Hop, Boom Bap to R&B or Trap. - Enjoy!

......:::::: What Is Inside This Product? ::::::......
? ‘Orchestral One Shots 3’ contains 342 orchestral One Shots. 280 MB material (24-Bit WAV,) ready to use in your favorite sampler or sequencer, both hardware and software, including: Logic, GarageBand, Soundtrack, Digital Performer, Sony Acid, Ableton Live, Adobe Audition, Cakewalk Sonar, Pro Tools, Emagic EXS24 and many more.

......:::::: Please Note ::::::......
? Any other than orchestral sounds are NOT INCLUDED in this pack and are used in the MP3 Demo for demo purposes only! This pack contains only orchestral one shots.

......:::::: Royalty-Free ::::::......
? All loops & samples in this library are licensed to you Royalty-Free so you can use them in your commercial compositions with no extra costs. For more details see the license agreement. (Here)

......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
? Format: (.WAVs)
? 342 x Individual (.WAVs) (.One-Shots) Files In Total
? Key And Tempo-Labelled
? 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
? Compatible With All DAWs
? PC & Mac Compatible
? 100% Royalty-Free

......:::::: PRODUCT DEMO/PREViEW ::::::......

官网: https://tinyurl.com/yyjw8pjg

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