Discodsp FX Bundle VST v1.0a-H20

Team H20 | 06-01-04 | 2.91 MB


discoDSP EQ30

Discodsp FX Bundle VST v1.0a-H20 screenshot

30 Band Dual 1/3 octave precision equalizer. EQ30 is based on Alesis M-EQ 230 dual 1/3 octave precision equalizer specs.

Bands: 2 complete 30 band 1/3 octave equalizers.
Band Boost/Cut: -+12dB.
Controls: 25 / 31 / 40 / 50 / 62 / 80 / 100 / 125 / 160 / 200 / 250 / 320 / 400 / 500 / 640 / 800 / 1k / 1.3k / 1.6k/ 2k / 2.5k / 3.15k / 4k / 5k / 6.2k / 8k / 10k / 13k / 16k / 20kHz levels.
Monitor: Input, Gain, Output and Text Display.

discoDSP NightShine

Discodsp FX Bundle VST v1.0a-H20 screenshot

Single band compressor based on Alesis 3630 peak compressor.

Single Band.
Ratio: 1.0:1 to 20.0:1.
Attack: 0.1ms to 200ms.
Release: 50 ms to 3 seconds.
Threshold Range: -inf dB. to 0.0 dB, exponential curve.
Output: -20 dB to 20 dB (Makeup).
Switches: Auto Makeup, Softclip and Limiter.
Monitor: Input, Gain, Output and Text Display.

discoDSP ThrillMe

Discodsp FX Bundle VST v1.0a-H20 screenshot

Virtual Analog VST mastering processor plugin.

3 Bands compressor.
Splitting filter: Single-Pole IIR/-6dB Oct x 2 (Stereo) x 3 (Bands).
Band Range: 0-1kHz/1kHz-10kHz/10kHz-Inf (with -6dB/Oct Crossover Roll Off).
Algorithm: VADP - Virtual Analog Dynamics Processing.
Envelope: Self Adjusted Attack / Release.
Ratio: 1:1 to 1:128.
Threshold Range: -Inf dB to 0.0dB, Exponential Curve.
Magic EQ: 4 Bands (Bipole Shelving IIR Filter - (1 x Low-Shelf + 2 x Peaking + 1 x Hi-Shelf) x 2 (Stereo).
Serial Routing.
Auto Adjustment.
Limiter type: Mathematical Waveshaping.

官网: https://www.discodsp.com/fx/

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