18 OCTOBER 2016 | WIN | MAC | 20 MB
discoDSP has announced that it has taken over the OB-Xd synthesizer project. The OB-Xd is an emulation of the Oberheim OB-X, OB-Xa and OB-8 synthesizers.
While not copying originals, some of the features were taken to a better point. Continuous blendable multimode filter (HP-Notch(BP)-HP in 12 dB mode and 4-1 pole in 24 dB mode). 32 and 64 bit versions included.
Thanks to 2Dat for the original Ob-Xd and Soshi Studio for giving the rights to continue this wonderful product.
There are some notes on homepage to use it with LINUX
官网: http://www.discodsp.com/obxd/