Ear 2 Ear - Virology Soundset for Access Virus



VIROLOGY offering 128 fresh sounds and 32 Sequencen for the virtual analog synthesizer ACCESS VIRUS. A wide range of modern and universal sounds is covered. The sound design is contemporary and demonstrates a high level. VIROLOGY is mandatory for each virus owners. This Standard Bank simplifies your music production!

REMARKABLE! Strengths of this sound production are powerful analog sounds, great space, great bass sounds, sounds Sequencer, arpeggio loops and musical effects. Another outstanding feature is the digital sector. VIROLOGY contains various sounds that are reminiscent of Fairlight, PPG or VS. Impressive! Dance and electronic musicians get much useful sound material.

MANAGEABLE! The sounds are classified by groups of sounds. For a better overview, the following abbreviations come into play: SC = Synth Comp, SP = Synth Pad, Synth Lead LD = etc ...

DYNAMIC! An increase of VIROLOGY is the intensive occupation of the common controller. All sounds can be played particularly expressive means of pitch and mod wheels as well as aftertouch. In this way you draw filter sweeps in real time, edit them graphically in your sequencer and play it afterwards again. This revolutionary ear2ear development "Analog Filters" for Kawai K4 and "Analog Expansion" for Oberheim Matrix was first used in the bestsellers and book now to have the virus!

SIMPLE! Download the Standard MIDI File "VIROLOGY.MID" in the sequencer and transfer the data to the ACCESS VIRUS. Bank A is then filled to the brim with new sounds! If you have stored in bank A's own programs, you should save it before! Since the ear2ear sounds in Gegnsatz many other sound sets use the latest features of the ACCESS VIRUS, we recommend that the operating software V2.00.

Inspirational! In the folder "PHRASES" the disk contains a total of 32 sequences to inspire and demonstrate some musical sounds of this sound bank. Download the individual phrases and choose the corresponding space on the ACCESS VIRUS on, which is visible on the file name. Of course, you can change all Phrases as desired and use your sequencer production. Listen to each phrase-outs as a loop (cycle mode) from the sequencer. The pattern usually have a length of 1 to 4 bars.

In short: VIROLOGY is a high quality production for demanding VIRUS users. Sound and concept are incomparable. The complete soundset costs

官网: http://www.ear2ear.de/virology/virology.htm

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