Easy Sounds Magical Pads (Yamaha Motif XS-XF-Montage-MODX) X0A

X0A | AudioZ Exclusive | 107.37 MB


Magical Pads provides mainly warm, analog and atmospheric synth pads, but also sweeps, swells, synth brass, and Atmo/FX sounds.

Synth pads crop up in lots of synth and sample based libraries but frequently they were programmed with very specific movement included which makes them difficult to use in a professional (“less is more”) setting.

These pads are not only beautifully constructed, with multiple gentle, wide, fat, and spacious types, the emphasis is musicality rather than opposed to the spectacular.

The overall character of these pads is influenced by classic vintage synths such as the Jupiter-8, Oberheim Xpander or Polysix, plus new ‘virtual analog' types such as the Nordlead or Virus.

Magical Pads usability also extends to real time control; in most cases a sound can be morphed from "bright" to "dark" using the mod wheel.

Many voices explore the expanded sonic possibilities of Xpanded Articlulation. These Voices (tagged AF1&2) give you maximum sound flexibility, incorporating Assignable Functions (AF1 + AF2) and alternate element combinations. The cross-fade of the sounds is smooth because of element's release parameter settings.

Xeraser's notes: XS version of the library! Releasing this since the XS version found here on AudioZ isn't actually for the XS but rather for the XF and MOXF, totally incompatible with the XS. This XS release includes 4 extra waveforms compared to the XF release, no idea why but I'm not complaining!

This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member Xeraser
Thank you for supporting AudioZ!

官网: https://easysoundsshop.de/en/yamaha-synthesizer/yamaha-motif-xf/67/motif-xf/xs/moxf-magical-pads-download

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