Echo Sound Works Vinyl Guitar 2 v1.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

29/11/2023 | x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC | 564/803 MB


A huge update to our free guitar plugin
We're excited to release Vinyl Guitar 2, a massive upgrade from our first plugin ever!

We listened to your feedback from the first version and added tons of additional controls, like a round robin on/off toggle and unique pitch shifting effects. With 10 distinct sample sets and per-layer sculpting ability for each one, you can mix and match different layers for a truly unique base sound.

A huge update to our free guitar plugin
We're excited to release Vinyl Guitar 2, a massive upgrade from our first plugin ever!

We listened to your feedback from the first version and added tons of additional controls, like a round robin on/off toggle and unique pitch shifting effects.

With 10 distinct sample sets and per-layer sculpting ability for each one, you can mix and match different layers for a truly unique base sound.

Then you can further adjust the sound with 11 customizable effects, including Speaker and Background Noise effects that are perfect for Lofi productions. There are also 2 different Delay modes, Ping Pong and Stereo Delay, as well as 2 Reverb modules: a Plate Reverb and a True Stereo IR.

Echo Sound Works Vinyl Guitar 2 v1.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE] screenshot

Instant Inspiration
The Vinyl Guitar 2 comes with 25 Presets. Take a listen to a few of those here.

Works in any DAW
Vinyl Guitar 2 is compatible with all major DAWs and comes in AU/VST/AAX formats for both Mac and Windows.

Hand Crafted Presets
25 inspiring presets to kickstart the creative process.

Echo Sound Works Vinyl Guitar 2 v1.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE] screenshot

6 Easy to Use Macros
The Macros on the Play page give you quick and easy access to add to and tweak the sound of the guitar.

10 Layers Deep
Mix, match, and tweak 10 distinctive sample sets on the Layers page.
Echo Sound Works Vinyl Guitar 2 v1.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE] screenshot

Sculpt With Pro FX
Build your perfect guitar with 11 effects, including Speaker and Background Noise effects that are perfect for Lofi productions.

Echo Sound Works Vinyl Guitar 2 v1.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE] screenshot

System requirements
Vinyl Guitar 2 requires a 64 Bit computer and will work in any DAW that can load VST2/VST3, AU, or AAX (Pro Tools) plugins. It also works natively on M1/M2 Silicon Macs.

Mac - OS 10.10 and up

PC - Windows 10 and up


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