ilfsn | EPUB + PDF + IMG | 6.94MB英文简介: Scales are the lifeblood of mu...
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P2P | PDF | 5.91MB英文简介: Translating for Singing discusses the art and...
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P2P | EPUB | 2.05 MB英文简介: JUCE is a framework for developing cross-pl...
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ilfsn | EPUB + PDF + IMG | 7.58MB英文简介: Secrets of the Guitar Fretboar...
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P2P | PDF | 4.15MB英文简介: Based on Neil Gaiman’s novel of the same name...
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ilfsn | PDF + EPUB + IMG | 6.69MB英文简介: “Arranging” is the art of harm...
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ilfsn | PDF + EPUB + IMG | 6.08MB英文简介: Musicians and Songwriters: eve...
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ENG | PDF | 48.6 MB英文简介: This book is laid out in clear sections of l...
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ENG | PDF | MP3 | 178 MB英文简介: A comprehensive approach to vocal impro...
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ENG | PDF | MP3 | 162 MB英文简介: This easy play-along follow-up to Blue...
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