ENG | PDF | 11.4 MB英文简介: A complete book of jazz technique studies an...
2017-10-25 22 0 1 5
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ENG | PDF | 13.3 MB英文简介: This anecdotal workbook by top fusion guitar...
2017-10-25 54 0 1 5
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P2P | PDF | 9.72MB英文简介: So there you are, walking along, when suddenl...
2017-10-24 42 0 1 5
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P2P | PDF | 11MB英文简介: This volume contains passing chords and chord s...
2017-10-23 55 0 1 5
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English | 122 pages | PDF + MP3 | 105 Mb英文简介: Develop your speed ...
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P2P | PDF | 5.99MB英文简介: The secrets to beautiful chord changes explor...
2017-10-22 22 0 1 5
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PDF|FREE英文简介: Learn how to EQ and compress your mid and sides separat...
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P2P | PDF | 30.6MB英文简介: Since its publication in 1947, great musician...
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P2P | PDF | 4.98MB英文简介: This professional manual lets you share the s...
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P2P | PDF + MP3 | 167MB英文简介: Learn to improvise at the keyboard and o...
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