Eksit Sounds Neurofunk Serum Bass Volume 1 For XFER RECORDS SERUM-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | July/23Th/2020 | 16.9MB


'Neurofunk Serum Bass Vol 1' from Eksit Sounds has been in the lab cooking up a collection of finely tuned, humongous fully macro'd out and ready to use Serum bass presets. 45 presets in total are included and each and every one of the packs one massive wallop.

From big long evolving basses to short punchy basses, there is definitely something in here for all bass heavy music producers. Alongside that are 40 wavetables that can be dropped into Serum's wavetable designer and fiddled around with to create even more custom bass sounds are to be used in any way you want.

They can also be used as bass hits in their own right if you just want to drop them into one of your tunes in that gap you have been looking to fill. This pack is designed to go into all out war with your basses and with macro controls galore, there is a lot of customisation to be made with these presets. These presets have been designed with Neurofunk in mind, but can be used for a vast array of genres that are bass heavy such as breaks, Dubstep, Bass House and so on.

......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
? Format: (.Synth Presets)
? 45 x Bass (.Synth Presets) For (Xfer Records Serum) - (40 x With WaveTables)
? PC & Mac Compatible
? Requirements: Xfer Records Serum v1.215+ or higher.

......:::::: PRODUCT DEMO/PREViEW ::::::......

官网: https://tinyurl.com/y7dy4hqc

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