Electronic Music and Sound Design. Theory and Practice with Max and MSP Vol.1 & 2 PDF

Volume 1 2010 | English | PDF | 551 pages | 259.3 MB


Volume 2 2014 | English | PDF | 778 pages | 217.5 MB
Structured for use in university courses, the book is an overview of the theory and practice of Max/MSP, with a glossary of terms and suggested tests that allow students to evaluate their progress. Comprehensive online support, running parallel to the explanations in the book, includes hundreds of sample patches, analyses, interactive sound-building exercises, and reverse engineering exercises. This book will provide a reader with skill and understanding in using Max/MSP for sound design and musical composition.

"This book is one of the first courses on electronic sound that explicitly integrates perception, theory, and practice using examples of real-time sound synthesis you can manipulate and experience for yourself. In my opinion, Cipriani and Giri have done a masterful job of allowing experiential and theoretical knowledge to reinforce each other. This book will work either as a textbook or as a vehicle for the independent learner. As a bonus, the book includes a thorough introduction to digital signal processing with Max/MSP and serves as a wonderful introduction to the programming concepts in that software. I hope you will take advantage of the excellent Max/MSP examples the authors have created. They are simultaneously fun and enlightening, and they sound good enough to use on stage. They are also worth examining as models for your own Max/MSP patches, or for extending in new ways. As you will see, the theoretical chapters are the "T" chapters, while practical and experiential knowledge is imparted by the "P" chapters. These chapters alternate, in the form of a ladder, refining the concepts at ever higher levels of sophistication. I want to wish you good luck on this new adventure, and also thank my two Italian friends for creating such a comprehensive resource for learning about digital music - the one I wish existed when I was a student!"
(from the Foreword by David Zicarelli, publisher of Max/MSP).

I bought these books and I decided to share them, because I think that they're one of the best synthesis/programming books you'll ever find out there. Please, if you like them, support the authors by purchasing the books, so they can keep publishing amazing stuff like this!


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