Sound Pack for Analog Rytm SYX | AudioZ Exclusive | 99.19 KB
Lightning strikes twice with this dazzling Sound Pack for the Analog Rytm by sonic boundary pusher Eraldo Bernocchi. Double Voltage makes use of the Rytm’s powerful dual-VCO capabilities to offer exciting new sound possibilities for our beat-making behemoth, carefully crafted by the creator of Digitone Pack favorites Hidden & Revealed.
128 sounds are at your disposal, ranging from melodic lead, pad, and bass shades, to a selection of percussive options.
Bernocchi’s extensive and eclectic experience crackles throughout, like a current of creativity, as he wrings the most unique sounds from the Rytm and presents them as an offering to electrify your composition.
Please note, this pack is entirely synthesis based and contains no samples.
Download includes:
128 synth patches in 1 SysEx file
Install instructions
Please note, this Sound Pack contains no samples.
This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member godbeat
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