Epic Stock Media AAA Game Character Human AI WAV

HiDERA | 22 December 2020 | 438 MB


Deploy a humanized robot side-kick voice in your next game audio production with AAA Game Character Human AI, a bright & fun collection of modernized human voice over sound files created for sci-fi games & trailers. This voice-over sound library features a male protagonist game character inspired by games like Fallout, Halo & Apex.

AAA Game Character Human AI voiceover sound library provides you with more than 335+ immersive, game-ready voice-over sound files, vocalizations, battle cries, custom character specific dialogue lines, stock non-player character dialogue lines, and everything needed to create compelling cinematic scenes, character, and outstanding gameplay audio experiences.

The Human AI’s voice profile is crispy, bright with a pronounced vocal performance. He is perfect for an assistant, side-kick, NPC< or any helpful game characters needed. His voice is ready for your game as is, provided in clean audio format in case you want to further process with vocals effects.

All of the recordings are delivered in 96khz/24bit .wav file format, giving you the best quality for heavy sound editing, pitching shifting and fx processing while keeping a top notch level of clarity and precision.

AAA Game Character Human AI voiceover sound effects is not only packed with high-quality voice recordings but includes thought out, cohesive scripted dialogue and vocalizations to help you build dynamic sci-fi stories, game trailers, in-game characters, dramatic moments and so much more.

官网: https://bit.ly/3ayfF5G

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