Epic Stock Media Fantasy World WAV

FANTASTiC | 05 July 2017 | 2.25 GB


Now it’s easier than ever to create the perfect mood and sound environment for your fantasy, adventure, 2D, 3D, mobile app, motion graphics, film and audio productions. With Fantasy World you get 52 exceptional ambience loops (full versions) and 49 minimal versions plus 10 additional non-melodic loops for a total of 111 dynamic loop-able audio assets. All royalty-free and inspired by massive hit games like World of Warcraft and The Elder Scrolls. Fantasy World is an all original ambience loop library designed to help you create stunning and immersive audio environments quickly. Packed with over 2 hours of popular location sound loops, you’ll find everything you need for themed audio adventure productions.

Invent new worlds in audio with immersive atmospheres and rich tones from this one of a kind set of seamlessly loop-able files that your audience will love. Includes sounds for settings like: Assassin Camp, Elven Outpost, Safe Haven, Dank Crypts Orc Ruins, Haunted Cavern. Great for podcasts, radio, and DJ sound effects too. Really, any audio production that needs background sound effects and scene setting ambient tones, Fantasy World has got you covered.

?111 Files in 96k 24bit resolution
?52 ambience loops
?49 minimal versions
?10 non-melodic loops
?Wide variety of popular locations
?Assassin Camp, Elven Outpost Haunted Cavern, Mystical Sanctum
?Tribal Camp, Desolate Dungeon Ancient Tomb, Forest of the Unknown
?Fairy Land, Ominous Jungle Barren Foothills, Shamans Apothecary,
?Orc Ruins, Orc Slaughter Den, Werewolf Den, Vampire Spire,
?2 hours of loopable audio atmospheric sounds
?All royalty-free
?RTU-OTB (ready to use out of the box)

?Files : 111
?Format : .WAV 96k 24bit
?Size : 4.2GB
?Length (lapsed time) : 122 minutes

官网: http://bit.ly/2sMRarZ

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