Epic Stock Media Iconic Film Trailer WAV-FLARE

Flare | July 29 2020 | 1.46 GB


Cause some serious sonic mayhem with Iconic Film Trailer, a modern & powerful curated collection of sought after epic movie trailer styled sound effects. This sound library features over 240+ destructive impacts, stock punchy trailer hits, tense risers, suspenseful long form drones and loops, plus has a boat load of choice transitions, cinematic whooshes, braaams & more.

Inspired by box office hits like The Avengers, Batman & superhero movies all alike, Iconic Film Trailer sound effects quickly becomes a go to addition to your audio arsenal when working in post production.

Included sounds: suspenseful tension drones, big beefy trailer hits, long & short risers, complex to minimal cinematic whooshes, abstract movie synth tones, hybrid textures, transitions, endless drone loops, braaams & more. You get everything you hear in the audio demos minus the movie trailer voices & music background track.

The library is organized neatly into popular categories that make it easier to create outstanding immersive cinematic audio experiences. It includes the following folders: Booms, Braaams, Drone Loops, Drones, Impacts, Risers, Synth Tones, & Transitions.

All of the sound effects files are designed to make your life easier, production workflow faster and delivered in high quality 96kHz/24bit .WAV file format to maintain top-notch audio fidelity.


? 17 Boom Sound Effects
? 10 Braaam Sound Effects
? 48 Drone Loops
? 53 Impacts
? 50 Risers
? 15 Synth Tones
? 58 Transitions

官网: https://tinyurl.com/y3jvbx5b

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