Fabrizio Poce J74 ARPline (Max for Live) AMXD

AMXD | 1.47 MB


J74 ARPline is an arpeggiator plugin for Ableton Live (Max for Live). With a lot of flexibility. At its heart it is composed of four independent lines, each one capable of the same features. A line is a programmable pattern for triggers and has its own controls for step number, step offset, playback direction, speed, signature, probability and more. When settings are combined across the lines, these features allow you to create complex poly-metric and/or poly-rhythmic arpeggio's.

Feature Overview of J74 ARPline

- Fully programmable arpeggiator with four independent lines
- Random generation of new patterns, globally and for each line separately
- Random mixing for new combinations of patterns, globally and for each line separately
- Line Step Number and Step Offset for poly-metric playback across the lines
- Line independent Speed for poly-rhythmic combinations
- Line Direction and Trigger Probability
- Line pattern shift left/right (per line) to allow syncopation
- Periodic random pattern changes, for each line independently
- Global Step Number and Step Offset for syncopated playback (e.g. less than 16 or odd step number)
- Pattern memory (line slots): 10 slots available to each line independently
- Pattern mixing (combination of patterns across the lines), for up to 15,000 different combinations
- Pattern presets: save and recall on the fly your own patterns (own preset saving)
- Snapshots: save and recall snapshots of the entire device configuration
- Groove/Dynamic effect (timing and velocity for humanized feel)
- Swing effect (to step timing), with 12 modes including MPC-like swing

Fabrizio Poce J74 ARPline (Max for Live) AMXD screenshot

官网: http://fabriziopoce.com/arpline.html

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