Flintpope Tapestringflute VST AU WiN MAC [FREE]

28.02.2019 | VST AU WiN MAC | 50 MB


Another iteration of those old Mellotron samples that weave around the internet but hey, some of them are in one place in one battered old silver box here. And it’s all free, no strings attached, if you’ll pardon the pun.

Using five samples from C1 to C5 of the flutey/stringy sound so beloved of those old sixties and seventies records we’ve looped them quite badly and if you listen closely you can hear the keyboard splits; all in the name of trying to capture that old clunky LOFI beauty of the original tapes used in the Mellotrons of yesteryear.

Technical things about the dials.

The envelope Release (R) is kind of abrupt, ditto the Filter Cut Off (CUT). Both parameters plus the hidden Attack, Decay and Sustain are assignable to controls within your DAW. Don’t expect much joy from Attack, Decay and Sustain though. It’s all very low tech.

ROOM is the reverb dial and is quite powerful. PITCH and L/R are self explanatory. MASTER is just a swanky word for Volume.

LFO dials: Amount and Rate are obvious. LFO Wave can be assigned to Triangle, Saw, Sine, Square or Exponent. LFO Dest(ination) is either None, Pitch, Expression or Pan. Unfortunately LFO rate can’t be synced to an outside clock so play it by ear. As we said, it’s all very low tech. Fun though.

官网: https://flintpope.net/2019/02/23/new-free-vst-au-re-creates-old-sixties-string-flute-sound/

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