Flux IRCAM Tools 1.1 v3.5.29-R2R

DATE : 2017.06.17 | NUMBER : R2R-6065 | SiZE : 536.6 MB


Ircam Tools 1.1 - Next Generation Audio Processors

Ircam Spat v3 - The complete Room Acoustics Simulation and Localisation Solution
With more than a decade of research performed by the Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces Team at Ircam, being at the forefront of scientific and technological innovations, Ircam Spat v3 is the most advanced and sophisticated tool for room acoustics simulation and localisation ever designed, managing both spatialisation (source localisation) and room acoustic simulation in a truly consistent and visually logical way.

Ircam Verb v3 - Room Acoustics and Reverberation
Ircam Verb v3 is an algorithmic room acoustics and reverberation processor. It has a modular construction, employing a recursive filtering reverb engine, reproducing and synthesizing the specific acoustical characteristics of any spatial sound environment.

Ircam Verb Session v3 - The Ultimate Session Reverberation Processor
Ircam Verb Session v3 is based on the same fine technology used in the acclaimed Ircam Verb v3 algorithmic room acoustics and reverberation processor, with a modular construction employing a recursive filtering reverb engine, reproducing and synthesizing the specific acoustical characteristics of any spatial sound environment, developed utilizing the results of over a decade of intense research by the Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces Team at the Ircam R&D centre in Paris.

Ircam HEar v3 - Binaural Encoding Tool
Ircam HEar v3 provides faithful reproduction of a stereo or surround mix with a pair of conventional stereo headphones. It relies on proven technology to model the various phenomena that occur when playing back audio material through a loudspeaker system.

Ircam Trax Transformer v3 - Real-time Voice and Sonic Modelling Processor
Ircam Trax Transformer v3 is based on an augmented phase vocoder technology, and a cutting edge transformation algorithm, allowing for manipulating characteristic properties of a voice such as gender, age and breath, and on any other sound; expression, formant and pitch.

Ircam Trax Cross Synthesis v3 - Spectral Envelope Morphing Processor
Ircam Trax Cross Synthesis v3 utilizes a phase vocoder (the amplitude and the frequency/phase spectra), to morph the spectral characteristics of two sounds. The amplitude and frequency/phase spectra can be blended continuously and since the features that are used here are strongly nonlinear, the sound morphing is nonlinear as well, offering a way to create a wide range of new exciting and unusual sound effects.

Ircam Trax Source Filter v3 - Enhanced Sound Filtering Processor
Ircam Trax Source Filter v3 is based on a signal model decomposing the signal into a time envelope describing the energy/loudness contour of the sound, and a spectral envelope describing the spectral colour of the sound timbre. The energy contour and the spectral colour of the source sound, can be continuously blended with the spectral colour and energy contour of an arbitrary filtrating sound, allowing transformation that extend well beyond the more common source filter morphing effect.

官网: http://www.fluxhome.com/products/packs/ircamtools1.1_pack

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