Flux Junger Audio Level Magic v3.5.29 UNLOCKED-R2R

DATE : 2017.06.17 | NUMBER : R2R-6066 | SiZE : 12.05 MB


As a result of a joint engineering venture, Jünger Audio and Flux:: are pleased to announce Level Magic for the first time in a software format. Developed and enhanced over several years, the dynamic range processor principles developed by Jünger Audio enable level managing devices like compressors, AGC and limiters to be produced with exceptionally high audio quality, without coloration, pumping, breathing, distortion or modulation effects sometimes associated with this type of processors, in short, almost inaudible processing - with ease of use.

Level Magic is a comprehensive Real Time and Offline loudness measurement, correction and management processor. Designed to meet the requirements of the global broadcast and media industry it is compliant with all current worldwide loudness standards. The algorithm is highly adaptive to the structure of the incoming audio and requires only a small number of parameters to be set by the user. The result is audio compliant with the selected standard but free of any unwanted artefacts such as pumping, breathing or distortion.

Based on the underlying ITU-R BS.1770(-1/2/3) principle, Level Magic provides compatibility with EBU R128, ATSC A/85, ARIB TR-B32, FREE TV OP-59 and Portaria 354.

Designed to be audibly transparent, Level Magic utilises a proprietary multi-loop approach comprising of three essential elements in parallel to measure, and if necessary correct, out of specification audio. An AGC section controls slower changing levels over time whilst a fast acting transient processor catches inaudible high frequency overshoots that may otherwise cause detrimental effects in downstream processing or coding. A brickwall filter provides effective True Peak limiting using a 2ms look-ahead to capture any intersample peaks. The resultant gain changing signal is a combination of all three elements.

官网: http://www.fluxhome.com/products/plug_ins/level_magic

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