DVT | 03.2020 | 64 MB
With FORTE 11 music notation software, you can write sheet music using your computer in minutes, have it played back by over 100 preloaded instruments at the click of a button… and that’s not all…
FORTE 11 Premium has everything you need (including ScanScore Ensemble, Bandora Arranger and FORTE Player) to create full orches-tra scores and masterpieces with ease – freeing up your time so you can spend it creating and composing rather than dealing with technology.
Core Features
32 instruments per system
16 verses per staff
8 voices per staff
MIDI live recording
Additional Features
ScanScore - Scan sheet music
Bandora - Create arrangements
FORTE Player - Sound Library
Write scores for St. Harmonika
Audio export (WAV & MP3)
XML Import/Export
Best suited for...
Choir or Ensemble leaders
Advanced musicians
Musicians who want to scan sheet music
Musicians who want to create own arrangements
官网: https://www.fortenotation.com/en/