Frontline Producer Do The Shuffle WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 12 December 2021 | 136 MB


Frontline Producer presents Do the Shuffle, a sizeable collection of Mark Fletcher’s swung out & shuffled drums for use in your arrangements. Inside you’ll find only the highest quality shuffle drum parts, 100% royalty free and waiting to be used to create a unique rhythmic flavour in your music.

Please note: the musical sounds in the demo track are used solely to display context. This pack contains drum samples only.

Mark Fletcher's CV reads a bit like a modern jazz lover's record shelf. From Ronnie Scott and Pete King, Hatfield and The North and Gary Husband to the final line-up of Soft Machine to feature Elton Dean and Hugh Hopper, if you know their names Mark Fletcher has probably played with them. Fletcher's style is deeply aggressive whilst rock solid whether swinging, grooving or dancing round odd metres.

Do the Shuffle from Frontline Producer comes with 196 MB of content, containing some of Mark’s tightest playing - including killer shuffled hi-hats, brushed drum workouts, smooth cymbals and rapid action snare drum fills. With loops coming in between 87-173bpm, you’ll find this collection works synergistically with jazz, blues, Motown, soul, funk, rock 'n' roll, and hip-hop, among other styles.

In detail, expect to find 196 MB of content, with all audio recorded at 24Bit 44.1KHZ. In detail, expect to find 106 Live Shuffle Drum Loops and 16 Brushed Shuffle Drum Loops.

?196 MB
?24Bit 44.1KHZ
?106 Live Shuffle Drum Loops
?16 Brushed Shuffle Drum Loops


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