FTSamples Timpani On Fire Vol 1 KONTAKT

TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 12 January 2014 | 3.7 GB


We decided to sample the beautiful and exceptional crafted Adams Timpanis, with CalfSkin heads.
The main reason was to record these timpanis with a perspective to fill the final gaps between samples and reality.

Why Calfskin ?

We found in Animal skin everything we were looking for, a warmer, thicker sound ,rich harmonics and timbre quality .

We also wanted to reach the limits in terms of power and aggressivity.

That's why for this first volume we recorded with Baroque Mallets.

One of the major quality of this instrument is it's capacity of perfect blending into any mixes.

We keep the presence and the punch without smashing the rest of the orchestra. Sometimes when it comes to mix, virtual Timpanis may sound too big and massive (moody mix) but with our instrument you don't need any audio process, it's plug and play.

These woodsticks give powerful and impressive attacks from strong fff to incredible definition in ppp in a 6 layers velocity with a perfect 127 progressive step increasement.

Our musical experience and knowledge led us to an unprecedent "living" instrument of constantly renewed playability.

Combining left hand and right hand, a large amount of round robins (18) ,the humanizer and our intelligent script results in one of the finest percussive sampled instrument ever made.

Our advanced scripting allows us to play any tremolos,repetitions and gliss rolls in real time, no more loops, you can now modulate and create your own realistic patterns.

FT Samples is currently working to deliver the best quality for the musical market today.

* 9936 samples
compressed NCW : 4,1go

* 24Bit / 48KHz

* Minimum Requirements : Kontakt V5.0.3.5812

官网: https://bit.ly/2p2WgV2

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