TEAM V.R | 12 July 2018 | 3.37 MB
The VCL-373 is a recreation of an early 60s broadcasting limiter/compressor that eventually found its way into many mastering studios. 1963 marks a technological shift in that the famous diode-bridge based gain reduction stage was replaced by a transistor-based circuit that allowed for less THD and more reliable control voltage tracking.
The plugin includes a faithful emulation of the audio transformers, the crucial feedback compression circuitry as well as the discrete class A make-up amplifier. Some convenient features including a continuous drive control, gain compensation, GR metering and a dry/wet mix have been added in the digital domain.
?An Intel Pentium 4 compatible CPU
?Mac OS 10.8 or newer (Mac users)
?Windows 7 or newer (PC users)
?A display resolution of 1280x1024 pixels or more
?A VST2, VST3, AAX or AudioUnits compatible host