GForce Oberheim OB-E v2.6-TeamCubeadooby

TeamCubeadooby | 06.2024 | 8.8 MB


The Oberheim OB-E is our take on the legendary Oberheim? 8-Voice and the first software instrument ever to receive Tom Oberheim’s personal endorsement.

More than just an emulation, the OB-E offers a unique musical experience. Sounding HUGE, it takes the iconic Synthesizer Expander Module (SEM?) based 8-Voice (a.k.a the EVS) into new sonic territory via a raft of enhancements and additions.

The concept of the 8-Voice is actually very simple; based around a single SEM containing two VCOs with Pulse and Sawtooth waveforms, two ADS Envelope Generators, one LFO, and a magical Multi-Mode Filter. In isolation each SEM is monophonic, but in the 8-Voice, because there are eight SEMs triggered by a polyphonic keyboard, you have a superb eight note polyphonic synthesizer.

This unique Octaphonic architecture offers fresh and exciting creative possibilities to music producers, composers and sound designers for the first time in the digital realm.

x64: Standalone SAL, AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: JBridge

Uninstall any previous version of it that is present,
then just install. This is because the AppID is different,
but otherwise, it doesn't matter how you do. It's all good.

Rock on and enjoy!

-TCD, ... (big shout to MOCHA just because the dots from this
copied-from-OB-EZ .nfo reminded to tell. Very nice things. And of
course, same goes to all the other contributing groups
and individuals. You know TCD appreciates to maximum effect.)

"The OB-E – An Octaphonic Sonic Adventure with the Oberheim 8 Voice

The Oberheim OB-E is our take on the legendary Oberheim? 8-Voice and
the first software instrument ever to receive Tom Oberheim’s personal


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