605 MB
It sounds like a tongue-twister but there's no doubt that in the right hands, magical musical instruments can create magical musical moments. For example, back in the late 60s when Paul McCartney detuned those Mellotron? MKII Flute tapes for the opening of Strawberry Fields Forever, magic was created and has resonated ever since. However, it's rare to find this kind of magic emanating from an instrument without it even being played. But in the case of The Streetly Tapes - Vol 1 Expansion Pack for M-Tron Pro we knew that we had a magical combination immediately after a discussion took place between ourselves and Streetly Electronics, the original UK 'Tron manufacturers, which focused around them providing their original tapes for use in the M-Tron Pro.
To say we were excited was an understatement and we listened intently as Streetly's John Bradley and Martin Smith listed their requirements for such a thing to happen.
Initially, we were told that we needed to forget the idea of Master Tapes being the holy grail because according to the original creators the sound of a Melly is the combination of several factors.
官网: http://www.gforcesoftware.com/products/thestreetlytapes