Team R2R | Respect of the Aged Day | WiN 21 MB | OSX 68 MB
Something magical happens when your sound goes through a rotating speaker. Nothing quite sounds like it. Spin recreates the wonderful sound of vintage rotary speakers with warmth and wonder.
2 Classic rotary cabinets: 122 & 147
A custom "high-power" rotary speaker
The infamous RA200 cabinet with 3 rotating treble speakers
A classic 4x12 non-rotary speaker cabinet simulation
Adjustable 3 band output EQ
Extensive MIDI controller mapping
Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany and Walnut cabinet finishes
Low memory/disk usage
Classic 122, 147 and "high power" custom rotary speaker simulations
3 classic 40 watt rotary speaker tube overdrive simulations and high gain British guitar amp overdrive
Completely adjustable rotary speeds, acceleration & deceleration
Accurate microphone spread, distance & balance controls
Rotary horn diffusers on/off
Front stop & Memphis control for rotary speaker
Low CPU usage