Groove3 Ableton Live Analog Explained TUTORiAL

HiDERA | 11 November 2022 | 136 MB


In this Ableton Live Analog video course, DAW guru Larry Holcombe demonstrates how it's possible to achieve the golden analog synth tones of yesteryear in virtual form, thanks to the impressive virtual instrument Analog. You'll also learn much about the basics of synthesis in the process as well, incase you're still a bit unsure of how they work - information that can also be applied to other virtual synths, or hardware synths should you find yourself with one. These videos are for new Ableton Live Analog users.

Larry begins by introducing the plugin and giving you a tour of the interface, so you're aware of the signal flow and basic control layout. This will help you to understand why and how signals are created, modulated, and more. The oscillator section is covered next, where you'll learn how to generate various timbres via different waveforms and also how to create those signature, thick synth tones by applying detuning. Then, discover how the noise generator can be used to synthesize various drum/percussion sounds and/or add grit to other sounds.

Next, explore the filter section and envelopes, both of which contribute greatly to a synth's sound. Learn how envelopes allow you to change the tone over time, with the filter envelope used as an example. Larry then demonstrates the amplifier section, which regulates a sound's volume over time. Learn also how to create auto-pan and tremolo effects in the process.

Beyond that, you'll also learn about the LFO section (how to route it to other sections to modulate the signal) and global parameters (unison, glide, polyphony, etc.), and you'll close out by hearing Larry create a basic loop of percussion, pads, and bass using nothing but Ableton Live Analog!

With Ableton Live Analog, you don't need to spend an arm and a leg to get amazing analog synth tones, but you do need to know how to use it! After this Analog video course, you'll be well on your way to building your own patches from scratch and making this VI a regular part of your production workflow. See the individual Analog synth video descriptions for more information on these Ableton Live Analog tutorial videos. Achieve the synth tones you've always dreamed of... watch "Ableton Live Analog Explained?" now!


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