Groove3 Ableton Live Things You Need to Know TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | July 24 2020 | 202 MB


Thomas Cochran presents essential Ableton Live video tutorials! Discover the things you need to know when using Ableton Live, such as cool tip & tricks, workflows, helpful and creative ways to Sequence MIDI, use effects, mix and more! These videos are for those who already have experience with Ableton Live, but want to learn more and improve their skillset.

To begin, Thomas introduces the Ableton Live course and discusses what will be covered in the videos, then gets right to it and reveals important key commands and short cuts to take control over the playback of your Ableton Live sessions. These features will not only speed up your workflow, but will allow you to quickly audition different parts of your songs. He then shows you different shortcuts for looping sections inside of the software, helpful navigation and track resizing features, and how to quickly edit clips using slicing and time stretching, and more.

MIDI Sequencing is up next, and Thomas teaches you tons of cool things, like how to quickly edit MIDI sequences which will make your composition and writing process a lot faster, an extremely helpful hidden menu that gives you advanced control over your quantize settings, how to use the slick Capture Mode which is always recording your MIDI keyboard in the background, and ways to quickly slice a drum break to a Drum Rack for more detailed control over your drum loops, to name a few.

Thomas then dives into a ton of Effects and Mixer videos that will show you things like how to setup default projects and effects in Ableton, add text notes to different effects or tracks in your session, solo multiple tracks and how to best utilize the different ways the mixer can solo multiple tracks, properly route reference tracks, save backups, sidechain with a Ghost Kick, how to sort your VST plug-ins for easier use and more!

To see what these comprehensive Ableton Live videos show you, and how they'll boost your efficiency and creativeness when using Ableton Live, see the individual Ableton Live tutorial descriptions on this page. Get a fresh perspective on what all you can do with Live and then reap the rewards... Watch "Ableton Live: Things You Need to Know" today.


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