Groove3 Creating Electronic Music for Online Video TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 21 February 2020 | 1.12 GB


Adam Pollard presents a series of producing Electronic Music for Online Video tutorials! Learn how to design and produce Electronic music for the endless amount of video content found on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify and more. These production videos are perfect for those who know how to use their DAW, but want to go deeper into the specifics of Electronic music creation for online video.

Adam first begins with a very important topic, Lossy Compression, and how to minimize how much it destroys of your music’s sound quality. This is the most important thing to understand when creating music for online video.

Next, you'll learn all about Clipping and Headroom, Loudness and Compression techniques for the different video platforms such as YouTube and Facebook, stereo imaging tips, how Sample Rate differs for video, which Bit Rate to use, and how to test your working knowledge of things related to this topic.

Moving on, Adam reveals helpful information on how to adjust your music’s arrangement, according to how people consume video content on Facebook/Instagram/etc, differently to how they consume content on Spotify or YouTube.

To see what each Electronic music for online video tutorial shows you and how it can guide and inspire you to make great music for online video, see the individual production tutorial descriptions on this page. If you're just getting started creating content for online video, or just want some powerful tips and tricks, this series of Electronic Music for Online Video tutorials will take you there and beyond... See how to make great content for online video today, watch “Creating Electronic Music for Online Video”.


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