Groove3 Digital Performer 10 Mixing and Mastering Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | Auguts 27 2019 | 715 MB


Gary Hiebner presents in-depth Digital Performer videos on mixing and mastering! Learn the first steps to take when getting ready to mix and master in Digital Performer, as well as more advanced workflows and tips & tricks. These Digital Performer tutorials are for those just starting out to mix and master with DP, as well as for more intermediate Digital Performer users.

Gary begins with what will be covered in this Digital Performer mixing and mastering series, and then jumps right in, showing you how to pack your tracks into folders for better viewing and management. Then you'll learn about routing in DP, using Markers, and exploring the mixing board window so you know where everything is and what the controls and features do.

Moving on, Gary shows you how to group your tracks for better navigation, using the meters for proper gain staging, and taking advantage of the VCA faders for easier control of multiple tracks. Next you'll learn all the mixing basics, such as using EQ, dynamic processing, dynamic EQ, and bus processing to get a more "glued" sound, including how to set up and use parallel & side chain processing.

Throughout the rest of the series you'll discover how to create and use send effects, add interest with automation and snapshots, utilize 3rd party plug-ins, harness the power of DP's V-Racks, use MIDI controllers for mixing, mastering effects to get a finished sound and much more!

To see what these Digital Performer tutorials teach you and how they'll enable you to mix and master your first song in DP10, see the individual Digital Performer tutorial descriptions on this page. If you're ready to start mixing and mastering in Digital Performer, this collection of Digital Performer videos are just for you. Mix and master your music with Digital Performer today... watch “Digital Performer 10: Mixing & Mastering Explained?"!


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