Groove3 Electronic Music Producer’s Guide Reverb and Delay TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 29 June 2018 | 158 MB


Adam Pollard aka Multiplier, adds yet another video tutorial collection to the Electronic Music Producer's Guide series, this time focused on Reverb and Delay. Learn the important basics as well as cool tips and tricks for using Reverb and Delay in your Electronic Music productions.

Adam welcomes you starts with what Reverb is and why you want to use it. Then it's on to topics such as High Pass Filtering Reverb, the Reverb Size Modulation trick, creating a Frequency Shifting Reverb Riser, and creating Gated Reverb using sidechaining.

You'll then go deeper with video tutorials on how to create a wide reverb stereo image and using and abusing Convolution Reverb, followed by tutorials on creating Impact Reverb, Pitching Down Reverbs, Creating Atmospheric Beds, and much more.

Multiplier then turns the page and looks at all things Delay. First learn what Delay is and the different ways to use it in Electronic Music productions. Then see and hear how to match predealy to your project tempo, creative ways to use Tap Delay, creating Custom Delays, the Has Effect Delay, setting up a delay manually to fit your song, and eye-opening production tricks for using delays.

See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you produce electronic music, Reverb and Delay are essential to producing this genre, and knowing how to use them is a must... Watch "Electronic Music Producer's Guide: Reverb & Delay" today.


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