Groove3 iZotope RX 8 Explained TUTORiAL

HiDERA | 24 October 2020 | 1.39 GB


Gary Hiebner presents comprehensive iZotope RX 8 video tutorials! This is the definitive video manual for iZotope RX 8 and takes you step-by-step from the beginning, covering every RX 8 module in-depth, along with sonic examples of each module in-action. Groove3 is the only iZotope approved tutorial partner, so you know the info is correct. You also get all of the audio files used in the videos, so you can follow along on your system and both see and hear the effects in real-time. These videos are designed for new iZotope RX 8 users.

Gary welcomes you and starts with what will be covered in the videos, and then shows you how to set up your audio device within RX 8. Then get a detailed overview of the RX 8 user interface, followed by how to record audio directly into RX 8 for editing and processing. You'll also get helpful info on using keyboard shortcuts that will speed up your audio editing workflow, and how and why to save to all the different formats available in RX 8.

Throughout the rest of the video series, you'll get 40+ dedicated videos, one for each of the different RX 8 modules that both explains it, and then shows you it being used on an audio example, which is also included via the course extras download link. This is a great way to learn RX 8, as you can reproduce the on screen demonstration on your system, and fully understand the module and what it does.

To see what these detailed iZotope RX 8 tutorials cover, and how they'll systematically teach you EVERY module in RX 8 step-by-step with examples, look at the individual RX 8 video tutorial descriptions on this page. See why iZotope RX 8 is the industry standard software solution for audio repair, correction and restoration... Watch “iZotope RX 8 Explained?” today.


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