Groove3 KORG Collection Polysix Explained TUTORiAL

HiDERA | 6 January 2023 | 210 MB


If you're anxious to start using the KORG Collection Polysix virtual synthesizer in your productions, but all of those knobs, buttons, and switches have you a bit confused or intimidated, this KORG Polysix video course is for you! Softsynth expert Tyler Coffin takes you on an in-depth exploration of this phenomenal plugin, breaking down the controls and parameters in each section and demonstrating sound and function with many audio examples along the way. By the end of this course, you'll be on your way to confidently and quickly recreating classic synth tones and designing patches of your own in no time. These videos are for new KORG Polysix users.

Tyler begins with a brief overview of the plugin, explaining the broad aspects and covering the interface and basic functionality of the Polysix to establish a level playing field. Then it's on to the VCO, or voltage-controlled oscillator, where Tyler shows how the waveforms are selected to form the basis of the sound. Discover the filter - the heart of subtractive synthesis - and learn how the signal is heavily shaped with its various parameters.

Next, you'll explore the amplifier and output sections, where you'll have access to volume and other controls. Tyler then looks at the modulation section and envelope generators, allowing for control of the signal over time with various modulations by way of the LFO (low frequency oscillator). You'll also learn how to create envelopes to control the modulation.

Plenty more topics are covered as well, such as the arpeggiator (for creating rhythmic interest), external modulation, key assign, effects, preset manager and browser, sound design examples (bass, lead, pad), and more!

With the KORG Polysix plugin, you don't need to blow thousands of dollars on a vintage hardware unit to get killer polysynth sounds. And you don't need to blow dozens of hours learning how to use it either. Once you complete this course, you'll know all you need to know to start getting amazingly fat, complex tones for your next track.

See the individual KORG Collection Polysix video tutorial descriptions for more information. Glorious polysynth goodness awaits... watch "KORG Collection Polysix Explained?" today!


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