Groove3 Logic Pro Songwriting Workflow Tips & Tricks TUTORiAL

HiDERA | 5 August 2022 | 210 MB


When inspiration hits, the last thing you want to do is get bogged down with setting up a new project, VSTs, track folders, etc. Wouldn't it be great if there were some shortcuts you could employ within Logic Pro to get you closer to that moment of creation? Now there is! Join Logic guru Eli Krantzberg for a one-and-a-half-hour Logic Pro video course that's jam packed with all kinds of workflow tips and tricks. You'll learn how mastering default patches, channel strip settings, templates and more can dramatically cut down on setup time and have you laying down ideas before you know it. These videos are for beginner Logic Pro users.

Eli begins the course by discussing templates - one of the most powerful tools you can use to eliminate tedious and repetitive setup procedures. You'll learn not only how to create your own custom templates, but also how to assign a favorite to automatically open (if you choose) when starting up Logic. Also learn how to only load the plug-ins needed for playback - another nice time-saver. Eli then discusses Logic's Hide features, which allow you to achieve an uncluttered appearance with all of your favorite instruments still readily available.

Next, explore the world of default presets, with which you can specify the particular sound that loads up when first adding a virtual instrument. Also discover how Channel Strip settings can help you save and recall not only sounds and instruments, but also entire effects chains already routed in the effects send slots!

Many more useful tips follow, including patches (for creating/recalling custom sounds, layering sounds with Summing Stacks, and more), template routing suggestions, click track customization, useful default templates, screensets, plug-in manager, working without a click, and more!

Check out the Logic Pro video tutorial descriptions for more information. Any one of these ideas can save lots of valuable time when it counts, but employing several of them regularly will help make you a Logic Pro ninja! Whether you're creating beats, scoring a film, or working on a singer/songwriter track, your tools should work for you - not the other way around! Don't delay... watch "Logic Pro - Songwriting Workflow Tips" today!


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