Groove3 Logic Pro X Signal Flow Explained TUTORiAL-MATRiX

TEAM MATRiX 09.04.2014 | 597 MB


If you're new to Logic Pro X, or just want to better understand the art of routing and signal flow, this is the series to watch. Logic Superman Eli Krantzberg breaks down everything you need to know about both basic and advanced routing and signal flow in Logic Pro X, making your workflow more efficient and inspired.

Eli starts with the important foundations such as what audio and MIDI are, how Sound Waves and Microphones work, Cable and Pre Amp overviews, and audio and MIDI interface basics and setup. Eli then opens Logic Pro X and starts your guided journey with tutorials on Buffers and Latency, Audio Input, Audio and Software Instrument Output Channel Strips, Panning and Balance, the Direction Mixer Plug-in, using Sends & Busses, Auxiliary Channel Strips and more!

Now Eli focuses on Recording and gives you tutorials on Setting Record Delay, Monitoring the Signal, Recording with Effects, Direct Monitoring, Punch Recording, creating Headphone Mixes and I/O Labels. MIDI Signal Flow in Logic Pro X is now examined, and Eli starts at the beginning with MIDI Signal Flow Basics, Routing to External MIDI Devices, Customizing your MIDI Setup, the External Instrument Plug-In, and routing inside the illusive Environment.

Advanced Signal Flow is now demonstrated, and Eli explains everything you need to know about the IAC Bus, using Soundflower, Multi-Track Recording, Merging Internal Signal Flow, Side-Chain Processing and much, much more. If you're looking for the ultimate guide to signal flow and routing in Logic Pro X, look no further… Get "Logic Pro X Signal Flow Explained" today!

Product Highlights
35 Tutorials / 3hr 41min Total Runtime
For all beginner to intermediate Logic Pro X users
Tutorials written by Logic Pro X master Eli Krantzberg
Simple to use video control interface for Mac & PC
Watch Online, Download, Stream to iPad, iPhone & iPod


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