Groove3 Mastering with Ozone 9 TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | Feb 06 2020 | 678 MB


Studio expert Larry Holcombe presents a series of in-depth iZotope Ozone 9 mastering video tutorials! See and hear how to use some of the incredible features found in Ozone 9 to master tracks from scratch in different genres including Country Rock, Electronic, and Pop. This series is designed for those who already know their way around Ozone 9 and want to see it in action. Checkout Ozone 9 Explained? if you are new to Ozone 9 and need to learn it from the ground up.

Larry greets you and then goes over some principles of mastering and what you'll be trying to achieve together using Ozone 9. You're then introduced to the powerful Master assistant feature and its different modes which are used as a starting point for your mastering process. Tonal Balance 2 is then shown and you'll see how to compare your master to the thousands of tracks analyzed by iZotope, ensuring you get the best sound for your track and more.

Next, Larry shows you how to utilize Match EQ, fix mix imbalances with both the Low end Focus and Master Rebalance features, and then gets genre specific by mastering a Country Rock track, Techno track, and a Pop track from scratch and much, much more.

To see what these Ozone video tutorials will teach you, and how they will help you master your tracks and get professional sounding results, see the individual Ozone 9 tutorial descriptions on this page. Get a good look of Ozone 9 in action and then master your songs... Check out “Mastering with Ozone 9" today!


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