Groove3 Phase Plant Explained TUTORiAL

HiDERA | 11 August 2023 | 440 MB


Join synth expert Larry Holcombe for a complete guide to Kilohearts' award-winning semi-modular virtual synth, Phase Plant. In these in-depth Phase Plant video tutorials, you'll learn how to unlock the power of this deeply versatile instrument and create sounds you've hardly dreamed of as Larry walks you through each component and feature with clear, concise explanations and demonstrations. From the oscillators and generators to the filters, effects, modulation, and more, Larry leaves no stone unturned, empowering you with the knowledge to start sculpting your own inimitable sounds right away! These Phase Plant videos are for new Phase Plant users.

Larry begins with a tour of the interface and preset browser, followed by a look at the common controls found in the Generators. Then learn all about the oscillators, noise generators, and wavetable oscillators, the latter of which provides amazing sound-shaping opportunities. Phase Plant's sampler is covered next, which allows you to layer samples into your sound and manipulate them in typical ways.

Next, explore the Granular generator and its numerous parameters that allow for diverse, rich, organic tones that can be randomized in many ways, along with the Filter, Distortion, and Output modules, all of which provide a myriad of creative possibilities.

The rest of the synth's components are covered as well, including the Mix and Aux modules (for routing options), Groups function (for grouping generators), audio rate modulation, Curve module (tremolo effects and more), Effects lanes and Snapins (series and parallel routing of different effects chains), modulation and macro knobs, and much more! Larry concludes the series by putting together much of what we've learned and creating a massive pad sound so you can see how it's done.

It's truly phenomenal what this synth is capable of. With this Phase Plant course, you'll learn what you need to know quickly and in an organized fashion so that you'll be able to assimilate and use the knowledge immediately after finishing the series. See the individual Phase Plant video tutorial descriptions for more information and inspiration. A synth as deep and powerful as this one doesn't need to be intimidating... watch "Phase Plant Explained?" now!

What You Will Learn:

-Basic interface layout and explanations of oscillators, noise generators, etc.

-How to use the filter, distortion, and output modules to shape the sounds in numerous ways

-Using the Granular generator to create rich, organic sounds and apply various forms of randomization

-How to apply various effect setups, modulation (LFO, random modulator, envelopes, etc.)

-And much more!


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