Groove3 Practicing Mixing Explained? TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 17 April 2020 | 265 MB | 470 MB


Studio guru Thomas Cochran presents a how to practice mixing video tutorial series! Learn to identify and address problems that can occur in your mixes, and how to remedy them quickly and easily, making for a better, more professional mix. These videos are designed for new and beginner mix engineers looking to improve their mixes, and includes downloadable wav files so you can follow along and mix in your DAW.

Thomas welcomes you and goes over exactly what you'll be learning in the video tutorials, and then starts out with the basics of getting a good mix by setting levels, as well as utilizing mono sound when doing this. Continuing on with the mono mix technique, Thomas shows you how to find hard to hear frequencies that are creating problems in your mix and eliminate them to bring out clarity, preventing unnecessary frequency build up.

Throughout the rest of the videos you'll learn important strategies such as having an end goal, implementing research to compare and dissect existing mix styles and genres, the benefit of using less plug-ins, choosing distortion instead of EQ, creative panning, making efficient use of busses, analyzing your mix with Mid/Side and much, much more.

To see what these in-depth mixing tutorials show you, and how you'll be able to diagnose and fix problems with your mixes, as well as incorporate good mix habits and techniques, see the individual mixing video tutorial descriptions on this page. Start making better, more professional sounding mixes today... Watch "Practicing Mixing Explained?" now.


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