Are you new to Pro Tools and all of its awesome virtual synthesizers? Well Pro-Tools-Expert.com founder and synth guru Russ Hughes is going to take you on a spiritual journey of the synth kind. Learn tons of cool tips and tricks as well as production ideas from this outstanding collection of video tutorials. Russ starts with the important foundations such as setting up synth tracks, using MIDI in Pro Tools and creating synth templates. He then goes into production techniques for creating custom arpeggiators, making filthy bass sounds, huge monster bass sounds, noise and filter sweeps, synth kick drums, filter gates and much more.
If you're new to Pro Tools built-in synths and want to get the most from them, this series is the perfect answer. Watch and become a "Pro Tools Synth Guru" today...
Product Highlights
12 tutorials / 1 hour total runtime
For all beginner to intermediate Pro Tools users
Shot with Pro Tools 10, but info works with Pro Tools 8 & 9 as well.
Tutorials written by Pro-Tools-Expert.com founder and synth guru Russ Hughes
Simple to use video control interface for Mac & PC
Viewing Options: Online, Download, Disc, iDevice Streaming
官网: http://www.groove3.com/str/pro-tools-synth-guru.html