Groove3 RealGuitar Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | June 11 2016 | 419 MB


MusicLab's RealGuitar is one of the most comprehensive acoustic guitar software instruments available, and VI expert Eli Krantzberg digs through this in-depth video tutorial series like no other author can, revealing all it's features and functions, as well as creative uses.

Eli begins with a thorough introduction to the power of RealGuitar and then dives into the MIDI Keyboard Global mode. Exploring the virtual fretboard and keyboard is next, and Eli then shows you how to access various playing articulations via velocity switching.

Moving on, Eli demonstrates how to assign and control alternate articulations via the sustain pedal and mod wheel of your keyboard, and how to assign and access articulations via key switching.

Eli then investigates the MIDI Controller Pane, showing you how to set velocity response, pitch bend, mod wheel, aftertouch, and hold behavior. With your controller configured, it's time to learn about the different modes and editors.

Eli demonstrates Harmony Mode, Chord mode, Bass & Chord, and Bass & Pick modes and delves into the Chord Editor, showing you how to customize the factory chords with custom fingerings. How to use the Main Controls such as Output, Tune, Setup, Timing, Mixer, Audio FX, and Accent are also all revealed.

Next up, is a demonstration of some of the other powerful modes. In Pattern Global Mode, Eli teaches you how to combine everything that you've learned to create and save patterns with the Pattern Library and Pattern Manager. Then you'll discover the Song Global Mode, and create parts and entire songs from your patterns in the Pattern Library.

Wrapping it up, Eli demonstrates two additional modes, MIDI Guitar Global Mode, and Direct Global Mode. Whether you're new to RealGuitar or have played with it for a while, watch "RealGuitar Explained" and see what a real guitar sound can do for your tracks today!


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