Groove3 Reason Explained TUTORiAL-HiDERA

HiDERA | 13 May 2022 | 488 MB


Music production wiz Thomas Cochran presents comprehensive Reason video tutorials! If you're ready to make Reason the DAW of your choice and take advantage of its impressive host of features like Reason Rack and huge collection of virtual instruments, this course is for you. Thomas systematically takes you through the important, foundational elements of this DAW, explaining and demonstrating each with helpful examples so you're putting your newfound skills to use as you go. These videos are for new Reason users.

Thomas welcomes you and starts with a brief overview of Reason's layout and feature-set before showing how to get set up with your audio interface so that you're able to play back and record audio. Then you'll get a look at the browser and see how it can be used to load and organize Reason's devices, presets, etc. Explore the transport controls in detail, the basic sequencer and navigation controls, and the handling of devices within the Reason Rack.

Next, explore the basics of recording MIDI and audio, including how to set up MIDI controllers and configure audio tracks, along with basic editing techniques for each, such as slicing, fades, copying/pasting, time-stretching, pitch adjustment, and more.

Throughout the rest of the course, you'll learn about many other features, including VST instruments (drums, synths, keys, etc.), effects (reverb, delay, etc.), utilities (devices that modify incoming audio data and more), Players (midi effects), Combinators (used to store, organize, and edit complex instrument devices), how to export your first song, and more!

To see exactly what these in-depth Reason tutorials contain, and how they'll help you start making great-sounding tracks and beats with this comprehensive DAW, check out the individual Reason video tutorial descriptions on this page. See what a truly unique DAW can do for your writing and productions... Watch “Reason Explained?” today!


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