Groove3 Soundtoys 5 Update Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | March 23 2016 | 201 MB


Soundtoys 5 is the defacto standard for high quality, time and harmonic based effects. In these video training tutorials, studio guru Scottie Dugan shows you the new plug-ins, workflow, sonics, and tweakability enhancements made in the newest version of these amazing plug-ins.

Starting with a basic introduction to how Soundtoys has upped its game, Scottie zooms right into the Effects Rack, giving you a general overview as well as exploring all of its improvements.

That leads right into a video on the enhanced preset handling, as presets are such a major component of the Effects Rack. After that, Scottie demonstrates how using the Effects Rack creatively can completely transform a mix.

Scottie continues with a video on the new Microshift Pitch and Delay Modulation plug-in, which is followed by two videos covering the new Primal Tap Delay, a delay modeled on the Lexicon Prime Time delay.

The second Primal Tap video is devoted to the Tweak Menu, where the real power lies. The final plug-in covered is Little Alter Boy, a combination of tuner, pitch shifter and vocoder.

Scottie demonstrates how you can use this plug-in to transform an instrument or vocal into something completely new. Finally, the series ends with a look at some of the minor tweaks and enhancements to plug-ins like Tremolator that push Soundtoys 5 over the top.

Whether you're new to Soundtoys or you're an advanced Soundtoys 5 user looking for some pro tips and techniques, don't miss "Soundtoys 5 Update Explained"!


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