Groove3 Synthwave Production Explained? TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 07 March 2020 | 620 MB


Studio production pro Thomas Cochran teleports you back to the '80s with in-depth Synthwave production video tutorials that show how to create the sounds and produce the tracks that make this popular genre so powerful. These videos are perfect for beginner Synthwave producers or anyone looking for more insight on how this genre is made.

Thomas starts with what will be covered, and then plays the song that you'll be making together for reference. He then explains what makes a Synthwave track distinct from other electronic music genres, the common BPMs found in the style, and then discusses the various subgeneras of Synthwave music and the types of sounds that are used.

To get started producing the Synthwave track, Thomas starts with the drums, showing you what vintage drum machine samples are commonly used, and demonstrates how to program a driving drum patten that works as the foundation for the entire track.

Throughout the video series, you'll learn all about what makes Synthwave so special, including the use of Gated Reverbs, the various synth elements found like Stab Bass, Arpeggios, Lead Synths, Pads and much more. You'll also see how to arrange and mix the complete Synthwave production giving it that nostalgic shine.

To see what these comprehensive Synthwave production tutorials show you, and how they'll enable you to produce your own authentic sounding Synthwave tracks from scratch, see the individual Synthwave production video tutorial descriptions on this page. Start making cool retro-future sounding songs and beats today... Watch "Synthwave Production Explained?" now.


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