Groove3 Synthwave Sound Design Explained TUTORiAL

Audioz Exclusive | 227 MB | HiDERA


Synthesizer pro Thomas Cochran brings you synthwave sound design video tutorials! See step by step how to make sounds from scratch that define this hugely popular genre. In these videos Thomas uses some of the best 3rd party virtual instruments available, which are the go-to's for creating these sounds, and are used by many of today's serious synthwave sound designers and producers. This series is for those who have a basic understanding of synth sound design and want to focus on understanding and creating the sounds found in synthwave music.

The virtual instruments and effects used throughout the videos are:

Xfer Records Serum

TAL Software TAL-U-NO-LX

u-he Diva

u-he Repro 5

Arturia DX7 V

Ableton Live Built-In Effects

Fab Filter Pro-Q 2

Fab Filter Pro-R

Waves H-Delay

Fab Filter Saturn

The final patches made for their respective synths in the videos are also included via the course extras download link.

Starting off Thomas welcomes you and introduces the course and discusses the genre and the sounds that define it. He then shows you how to make staple synthwave bass sounds such as an Outrun Bass preset using Serum, and a Juno Stab Bass patch using TAL-U-No-LX. You also get tips like how to make Serum sound similar to a vintage synthesizer though the use of creative modulation.

Next it's onto the chord sounds found in synthwave, and Thomas demonstrates how to craft a powerful Brass Stab Chords preset, an instantly recognizable Juno-106 Chords patch, Lush and Modulated Pad presets, and a DX7 Saw Keys patch that will teleport you right back to the '80s.

Lead sounds are up next and you'll see the steps to make a way cool Vibrato Lead patch, a classic Juno Arp preset, and last but not least, an Outrun Arp preset that has the '80s written all over it. Throughout the video tutorials you'll also get great tips and tricks for designing sounds, and much of the info can be applied to any synth, real or virtual.

To see what these in-depth synthwave sound design tutorials show you, and how they'll take your sound back to the '80s, see the individual synthwave sound design video tutorial descriptions on this page. Learn to understand how these types of sounds are made, and then you can create your own killer synthwave tracks... Watch "Synthwave Sound Design Explained?" today.


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