Groove3 Top 10 Modern Metal Guitar Techniques TUTORiAL-HiDERA

HiDERA | 23 August 2024 | 253 MB


If you're after that modern metal guitar sound, you're in the right place. Veteran Groove3 instructor Gary Hiebner will teach you the 10 most important guitar techniques you'll need in the modern metal style, along with plenty of excellent examples demonstrating each. Whether you're an intermediate player or a beginner, these techniques are crucial in the metal guitar style, and you'll have a blast learning them all here. Designed for players that are new to the modern metal style, these tutorials will have you sounding authentic in no time!

Gary kicks off the course with one of the most ubiquitous metal techniques of all: the palm-mute chug. Many people are familiar with this classic move, but there's more to it than meets the eye. This is followed by a look at artificial harmonics, which are played differently than natural harmonics and provide lots of opportunities for dressing up your riffs and solos. Then it's time to check out the pinch harmonic—another metal guitar staple mastered beyond belief by Zakk Wylde, among others.

Next, you'll explore the world of dissonant chords, which are a fantastic way to add tension to your metal riffs and more. Gary then showcases the pick scrape technique, a common technique in rock guitar, and its application in modern metal music. Other topics include the use of tapping in a riff-driven rhythmic manner, the use of "Djent" bends and quick palm mutes for rapid-fire single-note riffs, the common use of octave string skipping in low-tuned metal, the widespread adoption of tremolo picking in modern metal, and the use of THALL bends, which are fast bends popularized by Swedish metal bands.

There's no better way to quickly and effectively learn these essential metal guitar techniques. What's better, you'll have a great time and learn some cool riffs and other tips in the process. Check out the individual modern metal video tutorial descriptions for more information about all that's covered in this course. It's time to level up your modern metal playing... Watch "Top 10 Modern Metal Guitar Techniques" today!

What You Will Learn:

-How to use artificial harmonics to dress up an otherwise standard riff or lick with an ear-grabbing register shift

-Creating dissonant chord voicings that build tension and excitement in metal guitar arrangements and tips on using effects to heighten the effect

-Using tapping in a rhythmically-charged riff-driven way common in modern metal styles

-Reproducing the machine gun-like attacks of "Djent"-style palm-muted riffs

-And more!


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