Groove3 Trap Sound Design Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | Jan 22 2020 | 304 MB


Sound design guru Thomas Cochran brings you comprehensive Trap sound design video tutorials that will let you see and hear how to make the sounds that define this wildly popular genre, and also are great as a starting point for making completely new Trap sounds. These videos are perfect for beginner Trap producers or anyone looking for insight on how these sounds are made.

Thomas greets you and jumps right in, showing how to make arguably the most important sound in Trap music, the 808 kick drum. See how to make both clean and distorted versions of the 808 kick, followed by a Top End Drop Lead which can be used as the main hook element in a Trap track.

Next, see how to craft cool distorted horn synth stabs and a deep Womp bass patch from scratch, perfect for any Trap track. Throughout the rest of the videos you'll see how to make other staple Trap sounds, step by step, including a Heavy Stab Lead, Breakdown Arp Lead, Synth Chorus Keys and Modulated Super Saw Chords, all perfect for your next Trap production.

To see what these in-depth Trap sound design tutorials show you, and how they'll help you to make and craft your own Trap music sounds from scratch, see the individual Trap sound design video tutorial descriptions on this page. Learn to understand and make the sounds that define the Trap music genre today... Watch "Trap Sound Design Explained?" now.


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