Groove3 TRK-01 Explained? TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 29 June 2018 | 224 MB


Electronic Music pro Larry Holcombe presents an in-depth guide to Native Instrument's TRK-01, the all-in-one Kick Drum and Bass Synth virtual instrument! Learn all of its features and functions as well as how to use them creatively.

Larry starts off a detailed overview of TRK-01, showing you your way around the user interface including how to use, create and save presets. You'll then get in-depth explanations of all the top header functions and how to use them, including how to lock the kick and bass engines to a global tuning and timing setting.

Next, it's on to the Kick engine where you'll learn everything from layering kicks, adding drive for impact, using filtering for better blending, importing and editing your own samples, utilizing the Pitch Envelope and LFO, and much more.

Then you'll dive into the powerful Bass Engine module, where you'll learn all about its interface, preset management, oscillators, Ring, Freq, Sine and Sample & Hold modes, filters, effects and many other topics.

Larry continues and shows you cool ways to use the built-in TRK-01 sequencer and make patterns for both the kick and bass instruments, as well as how to input notes using the sequencer. For the bass patterns you'll also see how to transpose individual steps, add glide and hold for more rhythmic and melodic options, and animate sequences using Step Lock, including how to fine-tune your adjustments using the parameter focus function.

Wrapping it all up, Larry reveals the master delay and reverb effects and then the Bass enhancement and booster modules which can be used to get as much fatness as possible out of your low end frequencies. Completing the series, you'll see how to route your kick and bass to their own outputs in your DAW for even more fine tuning and processing.

See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you're new to Native Instrument's TRK-01 or are thinking you might want it, this series leaves no stone unturned... Watch "TRK-01 Explained?" today!


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